1. 100% Refund if cancelled 45 days prior to scheduled arrival date.
  2. 90% Refund if cancelled more than or equal to 30 days prior to schedule arrival date but less than 45 days to scheduled arrival date.
  3. 60% refund if cancelled more than or equal to 15 days prior to scheduled arrival date but less than 30 days to scheduled arrival date.
  4. No refund, if cancelled less than 15 days prior to scheduled arrival.
  5. Change in guest/guests names would be treated as Cancellation.
  6. In case of any date change Rs. 3000/Per Tent + 18% GST will be charged, in addition to rate difference charges if any.
  7. Rates are exclusive of applicable taxes.
  8. GST shall be charged as per applicable.
  9. In case of triple occupancy, any person above 6 yrs. of age will be charged as an extra person (with mattress).
  10. ** Note: Organiser reserves all rights to make any changes without prior notice.